Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Fifty Shades of Grey

     Everyone should have seen Fifty Shades of Grey by now. If not, go check it out on a free online movie website or wait for it to come out on DVD, because it is not worth the movie ticket. Even though the movie received an extremely ripe tomato on my Flixster's app, to my surprise this movie was not that great. The best part about the movie was the soundtrack. I did not read the book which I thought would be a good thing, because I wasn't expecting anything. However, I was just as evenly disappointed as those who did.
     First, I understand Ana is supposed to be an awkward girl, but why in the world does she have a flip phone? They could have at least given her an outdated LG or Samsung phone. Even the first iPhone would have set the date, but the flip phone blew my mind. Moving forward, I overall did not like how the actors emotions seemed so forced. I may have payed more attention to this because I've taken a few acting classes, but I still feel like it was very obvious. In the scene where her and Christian first meet, she literally falls as soon as the door is open. Why? She didn't even trip over anything! I also found it very weird how they tried to make her biting the eraser of the pencil stand out. It was disguising and stupid. As for the actors, I thought Dakota was a good fit for Ana, however I do not like Jamie as Christian. He did not give me anything in his face. I think this movie would have been 10 times sexier if he could have spoke with his eyes.

       I also think there wasn't enough spontaneity.  They tried to let the music move the scenes along instead of it naturally flowing. One minute they were laughing, then comes the love music, next thing you know somebody's feelings were being hurt. It reminded me on an old television soap opera.
      Would I watch it again? Yes. Even though it wasn't "movie of the year"  like I expected, it was still very funny. I don't know if that's what the directors were going for, but it's something. I'm just glad I know to wait for the DVD when Fifty Shades Darker comes out.

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