Thursday, January 22, 2015

My B I G 'ol booty

      Whelp, I said I wanted this blog to be interesting right? lol For those whom I've never met a day in my life-- Hello, my name is Gabby and I have a big butt. I don't gloat about it, I just can't deny it. It's there! Well, I'm about to dish out the goods. I'm telling all the girls and boys -- what it's really like to have a butt like mine. This post is going to be funny, weird, sad, and a little uncomfortable for me, but I'll just get right into it. 

       First, my butt is ALL ME! No surgeries, shots, pads, or squats. It just naturally grew this way. I get so many compliments on my butt from people of all kind.  I won't lie, it's a big confidence booster. I find it very easy to  feel and be sexy. However, it has not always been this way. See I didn't find out my butt was abnormally admirable until I was in the sixth grade. Boys were interested in me and girls grew jealous of me. I didn't know the reason for either until one day I was talking to this girl I THOUGHT was my friend about a boy I had a really big crush on. She boldly said to my face "you know he only likes you because of your butt, right?" That changed everything for me. I didn't know if that was true or not. I didn't know what his intentions were. I didn't know why she would even think that. All I did know was that I didn't like what she said and it made me feel slightly insecure about myself. From that point on I looked at myself alot differently.

      Girls always say, "Gabby, if I had a butt like yours..." and I find it amusing--now. But as I stated earlier, having a big butt wasn't always the most comfortable feeling. My body has always looked more mature than my face. When I was younger I would get approached by older men more frequently than a child should. I never liked walking home from the bus stop, because I was always scared some guy would try to talk to me (it happened) so I found myself being pretty involved in extracurricular activities. I guess you could say that turned out positively. Here, I'll tell you a funny story. One day my mother and I went out to eat for breakfast and this guy saw me and her walk-in and take our seats. As the waiter walks off, me and my mom bow our heads to pray and in the middle of our prayer this man walks up and hands me a piece of paper with his phone number written on it. He says "sorry to interrupt, but I think you should use this" and walks away. IN THE MIDDLE OF PRAYER PEOPLE! My mom and I just looked at each other in shock. So the next time my mom caught him snooping around our area she called him over and asked "how old are you?" "I'm 21" he responded." She says "you do know that is my daughter right? She is only 15 years old." (Yes, I was only 15). He proceeds to explain how sorry and embarrassed he was in a way similar to a guy losing a bet on a football game. It was hilarious, but not unusual for me. 
So take it off like ya' home alone 
You know dance in front ya' mirror while you're on the phone
Checkin' your reflection and tellin' your best friend
Like, "Girl I think my butt gettin' big" -Nelly
      That was just a mini breakdown to keep you up. That was always my favorite part. Okay, moving along. There were other things that came along with my butt including hips and thighs. This is probably the biggest con of having a big butt. It is almost impossible to find bottoms that fit properly and appropriately. I always hated wearing skirts when I was in school. The pencil skirts were always too tight and the pleated skirts looked too big on me. So I mostly preferred to wear pants, but even that was a struggle. My waist is smaller than my hips so it was hard to find jeans that didn't look too loose around my waist or cut off the blood circulation in my thighs. I was so happy when leggings were back in style. 

Anyhow, I created this post just to let everyone know, having a nice butt comes with more than you think. Be proud of the assets God has blessed you with because every women has that special feature and a special story that came along with it. As a matter of fact, ladies let me know your favorite feature on yourselves and fellas let me know your favorite feature on a woman. Comment below!


Unknown said...

I use to see having "curves" as a blessing and curse. Simarily to you, I've always got approached by older men thinking I was almost 4 or 5 years older than I actually was because of my mature shape. There has even been a couple of instances where I would feel a bit uncomfortable walking into an area with older men (especially with my mother) because I knew what type of attention I would probably get.. Grown men basically eyeing you down infront of your mother can get pretttyyyy awkward.. Lol All in all, I've embraced my semi big booty & my curves! But I must say my favorite curve on me has to be my smile! I know that'll never fade or gain 20 pounds! Lol

Unknown said...

It NEVER once crossed my mind that having a big butt came along with all this! Shessshhh!! However still after knowing all this, a big butt is still high on my best female features list (#2 to be exact, after a nice smile). Big butts comes with more benefits than it does problems. Having a big butt gives your man something to look at and proudly say to himself "Yep that's MY girl" when you decide to get mad and storm off for no apparent reason. It's also like a big stress ball to squeeze on when we get to hold our girl in our arms after having a bad day. As a man I love, cherish and respect the butt!! Lol

Rachelle said...

You put it perfectly! Having a big butt when I was younger felt like a curse now it's a blessing because it is an envied feature. And the part about clothing I agree with 1000%. Keep up your writing it's good.

Unknown said...

I wasnt born "shapious" but it was inevitable my whole family is. As I grow up everything tends to mature even more. I have grown to embrace my curves. I am a shorter girl so it's kind of hard for me to embrace them through my clothes. Because I'm short pants don't fit right and they flap around my waist. Skirts fit to tight and and flare weirdly at the bottom. People always tell me that I'm very proportionate for a short girl. That's because I rock my curves pretty good, but if you don't love you who would?

Unknown said...

Love this!!!