Wednesday, May 20, 2015

20 Things I learned about Berlin

  1. Public restrooms are NOT free. They normally cost about 2 euros. 
  2. EVERYONE walks EVERYWHERE. Having a car is a luxury. Most people either walk, take the trams or ride their bike
  3. The trams do not stop if you're in the way. It's best to move very quickly.
  4. Smoking cigarettes and drinking beer or coffee all day are a big part of the culture. 
  5. Jaywalking is highly frowned upon. Especially when done in front of children (your license can be expelled for doing so)
  6. German men pee sitting down.
  7. Marijuana is illegal, yet much more tolerated than in the U.S.
  8. People usually don't throw their bottles away when they're done with them. They leave them on top of the trash cans for a gypsy (homeless person) to collect them. They're worth 8 cents in euros. 
  9. Walking around the streets with beer in your hand is acceptable.
  10. Water is not free! There is probably one water fountain in the entire city of Berlin. Also when you order water from a restaurant, you might want to ask for no gas- it basically means you're drinking tap water which taste like regular/still water. 
  11. Donar Kebabs are very popular and inexpensive. (The best Turkish dish I've ever had!)
  12. Everyone is mostly quiet in public places.
    A few Berliners hanging out near a flea market
  13. The city is very diverse. People from all over Europe are come to Berlin to explore its historical background.
  14. Even though Berlin is the capital of Germany, it is very poor.
  15. It is considered rude not to eat your food as soon as it is served no matter how many guest are left plate-less.
  16.  Biking is so popular, there are not only bike lanes, but also bike streets.
  17. Everyone is mostly outside.
  18.  PDA is seen here much more often than in the U.S.
  19.  The legal drinking age is 16.
  20.  The city is dog friendly. Dogs are allowed in stores and it is not unusual for them to roam around without leashes on.


Unknown said...

Glad to see you having fun best friend!!

Gabrielle Roseberry said...

Thanks! I really do enjoy it here!